Kehinde Pius

I’m a passionate blogger, writer, life coach, and gospel minister

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9 Responses

  1. Jenny says:

    I love this article because getting organized and getting in the right mindset are key to success. Thank you for the reminder to take more greens! I always feel better when I do. Happy New Year!

  2. Ilka says:

    Love the article is everything I already incorpore on 2016 ans even take the decision of become vegan. Being on Pre medics opens my eyes to be concious that health is a responsible way of take care of ourselves.

  3. Erica says:

    Great article, very motivating

  4. aya says:

    I must incorporate these in my diet for 2018, thx for sharing

  5. Muhammad Moghirah Siddique says:

    everything is good, but some of these I cant follow because am a so lazy in the world

  6. Karl says:

    This is definitely what am going to do this year

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