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How to detox your body naturally using essential oils herbal extracts, and superfoods that also talk to you about the warning signs that indicate your body is toxic the focus of this article. So let’s start right in here. Detox is something that all people can benefit from.
- If you’re a person who wants to improve your energy, balance your hormones, improve your digestion and brain health, then you need to detox and if you struggle with any type of digestive issue especially constipation or gas and bloating, that’s a big warning sign that you need to detox.
- Also if you get headaches on a regular basis, if you have a white coating on your tongue or bad breath, that’s a sign your body has overcome Candida in yeast.
- If you struggle with fatigue, aches, and pains, if you store a lot of belly fat in your midsection especially skin problems like acne and blemishes, food cravings especially sweet cravings mood swings, weight loss, resistance acne, body odor, any type of dark circles under your eyes.
Those are some of the warning signs that your body is toxic.
Now there are other things in addition to these, but if you have any one of these things, you really need to consider doing what we’re talking about this article to really cleanse
So let’s talk about the five benefits of detoxification and then get into the essential oils, the herbs, and the superfoods to help you do so:
1. It Cleanses the Liver.
Now you may or may not realize this but your liver is responsible for a lot when it comes to your body. In fact, did you know that your liver is also responsible for hormone balance? That’s right! Balancing out estrogen levels if your body is overcome with xenoestrogens, if you’ve drink out of plastic containers or you consume margarine in your lifetime or use a Teflon nonstick pan, those have xenoestrogens that actually increase your risk of certain types of cancer where your liver has to detox those Zeno and phytoestrogens out of the body. You need this for your heart health in terms of cholesterol production.
2. It Puts Out The Fire As An Inflammation.
If you have a lot of inflammation in your body, by the way, the root cause of most diseases today is inflammation. Heart disease today is caused by inflammation of your arteries, digestive issues or autoimmune disease that starts with inflammation of your gut lining, so detox puts out that inflammatory fire in your body.
3. Weight loss.
Maybe you’re one of those people you’ve tried diets, you’ve tried working out and maybe lose a little bit of weight but it just comes back or you’re not losing weight as fast as you know you should be, it can be because your body is storing toxins. Detox can help you overcome that weight loss hump.
4. Healthier Skin.
If you’re always having redness or blemishes or just unhealthy looking skin, even early signs of premature aging age, spots, and wrinkles, detox can absolutely help that as well.
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5. A Better Mental Edge.
If you’re experiencing short memory or you just can’t seem to get a clear thinking hat or even having issues like depression and anxiety, all of those issues can be correlated with your body being toxic and detox can help you overcome those as well.
Now Lets First Talk About Some Detox Tricks
- Hippocrates said thousands of years ago, all disease starts in the gut. So if you truly want to help heal your entire body, you need to detox your gut and heal that gut lining. Now one of the big things you need to do there is addressing those food sensitivities you know.
- If you’re a person that consumes a lot of conventional dairy products, those are some of the most toxic to the body.
- Also conventional meat products. Conventional dairy products especially will cause your body to be toxic and you can actually do something called food sensitivities or food intolerance test to see the type of sensitivities you have. There as well are some of those toxic foods today; conventional dairy corn, soy, shellfish, gluten, alcohol, and chemicals in non-organic food. You need to get those entire out.
Now let’s talk about the best herbs that help detoxify your body.
Ginger, rosemary, dandelion, cinnamon, and cayenne. Cayenne helps detox your blood. Dandelion helps detox your liver and ginger helps to detox your gut.
Here are the best fruits and veggies to detoxify: watermelon, cucumber, those to specifically help with the fluid exchange, helping detox your cells. Lemon, lime, grapefruit help detox your liver and berries your kidneys and adrenal glands.
Here are five detox essential oils; orange oil helps to detox your liver and your entire lymphatic system, rosemary helps to detox your adrenals and kidneys. Black-pepper detox your entire cardiovascular system.
In addition to using some of those great essential oils to detox your body, you can also follow a more of a detox plan you know.
One of the things I love doing to detox is practice fasting. Fasting is a great way where you skip breakfast and you really only eat during a six-hour window. That’s called intermittent fasting. That really gives your body a large one about 18 hours where it’s cleansing the rest of the day.
Daniel fast! You know this is something that was practiced in the Bible. Fasting where you’re cutting all meat from your diet and a lot of other things and really consuming a diet that’s very high in vegetables, herbs and fruits and a small amount of whole sprouted grains and they detox with the Sun. In nature getting out in the Sun, getting vitamin D, swimming or walking barefoot, doing grounding and earthing can all help naturally detoxify your body.
Remember these five benefits of detoxification;
- It really supports your liver.
- Reduces inflammation
- Supports weight loss,
- Helps you have a healthier glowing skin.
- Gives you a better mental edge and cognitive function.
And again it’s really great to do a mix of things to get those toxic foods out of your diet the conventional meat and dairy products, the food sprayed with pesticides, the processed packaged foods. Eat a lot of vegetables herbs and fruits on a regular basis and then also in addition to that you know reducing stress levels, getting outside using the essential oils and herbs.
Don’t forget we’ve talked about you can detoxify your body and the great benefits from detox.
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There are so many detoxes out there it can be overwhelming! Thank you for the suggestions and breaking it down, I’m going to try and kick 2018 off to a healthy start with a detox.
thanks for suggesting
Loved that you broke down that different areas detox with different foods! I definitely enjoyed your article! Great writing and info!
Thanks for all this info
Nice write up
thanks for the article
keep going