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If the good nutrition is consuming a variety of foods, then, vegetables can truly stand as a cornerstone of a healthy diet.
This brief articles shall be opening your eyes to some of the reasons why your diets must be rich
in veggies.
Why do we need veggies?
- It supply nearly all the vitamins and minerals required for good health. Vegetables contain little fat, no cholesterol and they have low calorific values.
- It also provide effective protection against cancer because they contain antioxidant nutrients, which attack free radical molecules in the body.
- It also provide effective protection against heart disease. The single biggest factor that shows up in studies of heart disease is that people who eat fresh vegies live the longest and healthiest lives.
- Several investigations have shown that a vegetarian diet can work fairly rapidly to bring down blood pressure.
Getting the best out of your veggies
1. To get the most out of your veggies, select the vegetables, which are not bruised or damaged.
2. When you go for shopping at your grocery store, insist on the just harvested stock. They offer maximum nutritional values. Do not overcook your veggies, as you could lose a significant amount of their nutrients.
3. To avoid chemical residues in your veggies, try and buy some organically produced vegetables These refer to the produce, which is not grown with the supply chemical fertilizers or pesticides.
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4. Nutrients loss occurs when vegetables are exposed to air or light. Therefore, do not wash or slice vegetables until you are ready to use them.
5. Finally, serve cooked vegetables promptly. The longer they are kept: whether at room temperature or in the refrigerator, the higher the nutrients loss.
And good things about veggies is that you can cook or juice it, and still have the desire result.
But it’s important to note that to get the best result out of your veggies, it must not be overcooked
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Good posts
nice article
really vegetable are very benificial