Implantation-Bleeding-or-Periodcal culator
Implantation-Bleeding-or-Period calculator


There are many questions which come to mind when women have Implantation Bleeding. The first one is of course how it is different from normal menstrual bleeding.

Also, it is important to identify it at the right time so that one knows when to take the pregnancy test and identify Bleeding through the discharge.

It is critical to take utmost care of your body when you are pregnant. Bleeding is the first sign of it.

Most importantly if you are able to identify that your bleeding is implantation bleeding and if there is some abnormality in it then you should definitely consult a Doctor.


Implantation bleeding appears as light spotting that is blood which appears when you wipe or it can appear like a light consistent flow which needs a liner or a light pad. Sometimes the blood is also mixed with cervical mucus and sometimes it is not.

Bleeding comes in a range of colors which depends on how long the blood takes to exit the body.

If it is a fresh bleed then it will come in shades of light or dark red
If the blood is older it may look brown which is due to oxidation
It will appear pink or even orange if in case it’s mixed with other vaginal discharge
You should keep a note of the consistency and color and frequency of the bleeding. The Doctor will want to know these details when you consult him for diagnosis.

The diagnosis for implantation bleeding is done through an elimination process. What this means is that the Medical Specialist will eliminate other causes of bleeding first. Then he will diagnose for implantation bleed.

If there is heavy bleeding or clotting then you should consult a doctor immediately. This can be a sign of an early miscarriage.


The color of the implantation bleeding varies from person to person and also from pregnancy to pregnancy. But there are some other symptoms which indicate pregnancy as well and you should watch out for them also.

If you are experiencing nausea, fatigue or frequent urination then chances are you are pregnant as these are early symptoms of pregnancy.

Also, you may experience tender or swollen breasts and this happens due to hormonal changes which take place shortly after conception.

Cramping, Bloating, constipation, mood swings, irritability, and food aversions are some other symptoms of early pregnancy.

Although these symptoms indicate pregnancy they are not the sure shot sign of early pregnancy. Many women have these symptoms without pregnancy. Even some of them who are pregnant they may not experience these symptoms.

The sureshot and most reliable symptom of pregnancy is a missed menstrual period. With regular cycles though it is difficult to determine if you have missed a period or not.

In case you have missed a menstrual period and are experiencing fatigue, nausea or any such symptoms. Then it is time for a pregnancy test and you can then consult a specialist Doctor.


This Bleeding is the specific type of bleeding which occurs during early pregnancy. According to Doctors and medical specialists implantation, bleeding happens when the embryo attaches itself to the lining of the uterus. Also, this happens in most cases everyone may not experience implantation bleed or spotting.

Bleeding is shortlived and does not last very long as it is just a few days worth. Implantation bleeding usually occurs 10-14 days post conception or at a time near to a missed period.

Vaginal bleeding is usually reported and occurs anytime during the first eight weeks of early pregnancy.

Also spotting is also common before the start of a menstrual period and thus you need to be aware of all other factors which lead to bleeding. This is so that you can be sure that the bleeding or discharge is implantation bleeding.


Most women go for a pregnancy test post for a missed period. Chances are that at times implantation bleeding gets confused with a regular normal period. This is the reason why some women don’t really realize that they are pregnant until their second month. This mostly happens with women who have a light flow.

There are some specific symptoms of implantation bleeding which helps women tell the difference between it and menstrual period bleeding.

The first difference is that your period starts off light and then it starts getting heavier before it becomes light again after a day or two. With implantation bleeding the bleeding starts off light and the intensity does not change throughout.

Also, menstrual bleeding fills up a tampon or a pad this does not happen in case of implantation bleeding.

Also, there is a difference of color and consistency between the two types of bleeding. In a regular menstrual period, the blood is watery, bright red and fresh while in implantation bleeding the blood can vary from light pink to black to brown. Also in implantation bleeding, it is accompanied by cramping. Although this also happens with periods the cramping is more intense in a period as compared to an implantation bleeding.

Also, other criteria which makes the two different is the duration and time of the bleeding and how long it lasts. While in menstrual bleeding the bleeding can last for up to a week. The implantation spotting and bleeding usually disappear within two to three days.


Implantation bleeding usually occurs from 6 to 12 days after conception or it can occur until 10 days post ovulation. You will notice spotting 5 to 7 days before your regular period is expected to start.

For instance, if you conceive on the day 10 of your cycle then you will experience implantation bleeding around day 15 to 22. This is while your period will most likely occur on day 28 to 30.


Bleeding is actually quite common and a regular sign of pregnancy. Almost one-third of women experience implantation bleeding and is a regular sign and indicator of pregnancy.


Any kind of bleeding should not be taken lightly and this is so with implantation bleeding as well. Bleeding is usually not a cause of concern and is not a threat to your developing baby.

Mostly the bleeding lasts for two or three days and if the spotting and bleeding occur during the first two weeks of pregnancy then it is not a cause of concern. Usually, if the bleeding stops within these two or three days then it is not a cause of concern. It is highly unlikely that you will experience any further complications for the remaining period of your pregnancy

But you should also be aware that bleeding can also at times occur after the implantation period also. This happens because of some irritation to the cervix, an undiagnosed vaginal infection or heavy lifting.

If this occurs you should immediately consult a Doctor and consult them for their expert opinion.


You can very easily distinguish between implantation cramps which are accompanied by bleeding and menstrual cramps.

These are some ways to tell the difference:
Implantation cramps usually occur 6 to 12 days post ovulation and thus you will experience them in the middle of your cycle. This is 1 to 2 weeks earlier than the date of your period.

In case you are feeling cramping just a few days before your period then chances are that it is PMS.

Period cramps go on for a longer duration than implantation cramps and last only for few minutes at a time. So it is easy to distinguish the two.

With implantation cramps you may experience lower back pain and also these cramps feel like a tugging or pulling sensation in the lower abdomen.

Implantation cramps usually last only for 1 to 3 days which is the period it takes for a fertilized egg to implants itself onto the wall of the uterus. If the cramps continue for more than 3 to 4 days then chances are you are experiencing PMS relate4d cramps


Almost one in four women experience this implantation bleeding within the first 2 weeks of pregnancy. Usually, the symptom is harmless and disappears and resolves within the first two-three days.

In case you feel that the bleeding is implantation bleeding then you should purchase a home pregnancy test or go visit the Doctor for a pregnancy test.

The differences between menstrual bleeding and implantation bleeding can be at times a challenge to spot. The moment you feel that the bleeding is implantation bleeding you should definitely make an appointment with your Doctor.

Also, it is important to keep track of the consistency, concentration, frequency, and color of the bleeding and discharge. You should share all these facts with the Doctor so that you can get the correct diagnosis.

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