Implantation-Bleeding-or-Periodcal culator
Implantation-Bleeding-or-Period calculator



If you are feeling and in doubt over whether you have conceived then you must surely be looking for a good implantation calculator. There are certain tools which have been developed to make an estimate as to when the fertilized egg could have burrowed into your uterine lining which is when pregnancy happens and begins.

There are many websites who claim of providing good implantation calculators but most of them are not accurate. The fact of the matter is that most implantation calculators are inaccurate. They can’t really tell about when the implantation actually happened.

There are many ways of determining implantation but most of the tests are inaccurate. The following are the two sure shot ways of confirming implantation.

There are 2 common ways of determining the implantation date:

  • First, if you know the date you ovulated then add 9 more days and you will get the implantation date.
  • And Second, if you know the first day of your last menstrual period then you add 23 days and you get the implantation date.

Now, these 23 days are made from 14 days which is the average number of days between the last menstrual period and ovulation. And 9 days which is the average number of days between ovulation and implantation.

It is also important to note that the above calculations are an oversimplified and an accurate guess. The fact of the matter is that your cycle is variable and the ovulation day will not always be consistent from cycle to cycle.

Thus the 14 days between last menstrual cycle and ovulation and the 9 days between ovulation and implantation will give you a rough estimate of when the implantation happened. This is on an average for women as a whole, but it will not be able to give you the exact day and date of the implantation.


Implantation takes place when a blastocyst, which began as a fertilized egg and now grows while moving in the fallopian tubes, attaches itself to the walls of the uterine.

This is critical for a viable pregnancy. Once the successful attachment happens then the blastocyst continues growing and becomes and forms into an embryo.

This process is known as implantation.


While you are trying to get pregnant then you surely want to know when did you actually conceive. This is also a very common question which comes to pregnant women. While this is an important inquiry the actual question should be that when did the implantation happen or occur.

While there is a common belief and notion that pregnancy happens or conception takes place the moment the sperm fertilizes an egg. The more accurate estimate is when the implantation happened and that should be taken as the date of and beginning of pregnancy. Thus it is much more useful to use the implantation date rather than the date of conception.

Implantation which is the date when the egg combined with the sperm attaches itself to the wall of the uterus is the actual start of pregnancy. Thus an implantation calculator is necessary to determine the date of the actual start of pregnancy.

According to experts conception occurs often but this does not confirm pregnancy. Pregnancy is confirmed on the date of implantation. Thus for the pregnancy to be viable the cells must touch the endometrium and they should attach to the uterine wall. And only some embryos which are the fittest survive and are able to do that and they are about one-third of all.

In case the progesterone has not properly prepared the endometrial lining so as to support life or if the blastocyst contains any abnormalities. Then, in that case, the implantation and the pregnancy will fail. As and when this happens then the egg dies and is excreted during the next period.


In most successful pregnancy cases the implantation usually occurs 8 to 10 days after ovulation. According to experts the estimated risk of early loss was, in fact, related to the very time of implantation.

According to a study, the early loss was least likely when the implantation occurs by the 9th day after ovulation. Also, the risk of failure increased with each passing day and more so after day number 11.

If the implantation occurred 9 days past ovulation then the risk of early pregnancy loss would be 13 percent and if it happened 10 days past ovulation then the risk of pregnancy loss was 26 percent. If it happened after 11 days then the risk of pregnancy loss would be 82 percent.

Thus if the implantation occurs later then there is more chance of a risk of pregnancy loss. Although researchers have not come out with some specific reason for pregnancy loss because of late implantation. It is believed that embryos which attach later must be impaired in some manner.


To know this you need to know about when your last menstrual period occurred or the last ovulation date. With the help of these, you can find out the estimated implantation date. If you know when the ovulation happened then you can estimate that the implantation occurred 8 to 10 days past ovulation.


Mostly the implantation follows a stable timeline. Sperm can survive for almost 5 days while waiting for an egg to release and once the egg is released from the ovary when it starts its journey down the fallopian tubes. It has to be fertilized within 24 hours.

In case the sperm does fertilize the egg then the resulting blastocyst has to make it to the uterus. In case it makes it to the uterus it can still take many days to implant itself on the uterine wall.

This entire process most often takes 8 to 10 days although there are cases when the implantation happened as early as the sixth day or as late as the 12th day after ovulation.


Many women are very eager to find out whether they are pregnant or not early on. They try their best to find out about the early symptoms of pregnancy online or through pregnancy books.

Although there are some specific pointers to implantation most of the symptoms are general and do not specifically apply to pregnancy.

There is a lot of confusion between the symptoms of pregnancy and that of premenstrual periods and the cramping which is felt by many women. This is mostly due to the presence of high progesterone levels which are already present during the luteal phase.

Also, implantation bleeding most of the time is also over exaggerated and is not really a symptom of implantation. According to research, only a few women experience implantation bleeding and it can definitely not be taken as a sure shot indicator of pregnancy.

Thus it is a challenge and very difficult to differentiate the symptoms of implantation and those of menstrual cycles. Bleeding and cramps are no sure shot indicators of implantation.


Many women who are eager to get pregnant cross their fingers and wait for a positive result indicating pregnancy. The most prominent question which comes to the mind of pregnant women is how long after implantation should one go for a pregnancy test.

The home pregnancy test is most accurate when they are used on or after the first day of a missed period which actually occurs 12 to 14 days post ovulation.

These pregnancy tests, in fact, detect the presence of a hormone called HCG or human chorionic gonadotropin which is actually unique to pregnancy.

Until the implantation is finished and over the body does not even produce HCG which is almost 8 to 10 days after conception. And once the body begins to produce this hormone then it doubles every 48 hours.

Pregnancy tests are not all good indicators of pregnancy and you should research online and offline about the best ones. Also, you will notice that pregnancy tests are sold in pairs and this is so that you can confirm your pregnancy by going for the second test and thus there is a sound reason for it being available in pairs. No matter what the result in the first pregnancy test you should always go for another one 2 or 3 days later.

In case the second test comes out negative after a positive first test then chances are that you had a chemical pregnancy. If on the other hand a negative test result is followed by a positive one then that means that the body has produced enough hCG for the test to indicate it.

Also the moment you get a positive pregnancy test you should visit the doctor and a medical specialist to take all the precautions and for sound advice which will help you throughout your pregnancy.

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