Implantation Symptoms – After implantation and during the first few weeks of pregnancy there are certain indicators which confirm the conception.

These may include aversions or attractions to liquids and foods, frequent urination, implantation bleeding, tender nipples and breasts and many more.

Extra care should be taken to distinguish pregnancy from normal menstrual symptoms as many of them overlap. But there are certain sure shot indicators which point out towards confirming pregnancy.

Utmost care must be taken post implantation and during pregnancy so that the mother and the baby remain healthy and no complications occur.

If all proper symptoms are noticed and the right precautions are taken timely then the pregnancy can be carried out without any complications. This makes it even more important to spot pregnancy asap through the specific symptoms it has in the body.

Now we will discuss the specific symptoms of implantation and early pregnancy. Also, we will discuss how to distinguish them from the menstrual cycle symptoms.

These are some implantation of symptoms and early pregnancy:


If you see brown or light pink spotting a week prior to your period then there are chances that implantation has occurred. According to various experts vaginal spotting, a week after ovulation may represent implantation.

The moment the fertilized egg attaches itself to the uterus then implantation bleeding occurs. Because of the massive borrowing, the embryo has to do to complete the implantation this causes some bleeding or spotting.

Spotting is much more common than cramps between periods and thus this makes it a challenge for women to distinguish. In normal circumstances, implantation spotting is not heavy and does not last beyond three days.

Thus if you usually don’t experience spotting between periods and now you are experiencing them then chances are that you have become pregnant.


Another indicator and an implantation symptom are tender or sore breasts. If your breasts have become extra sensitive even to the slightest touch then this may be due to pregnancy. Certainly, this is an implantation symptom.

Usually, sore breasts occur a couple of weeks after conception. The moment the egg is implanted the body starts creating HCG which is a pregnancy hormone which is critical and needed to support the pregnancy.

A rapid and sudden increase in this hormone leads to breast fullness, sensitivity, and tenderness.

In a regular pregnancy, your breasts will become extra and super sensitive. This sensitivity is 100 times more than in natural breasts.


Because of the rise in estrogen during early pregnancy, there is a change in the woman’s perception of taste. Many women experience a metallic or unusual taste in the mouth after implantation. Although many women experience this metallic taste, Doctors are still not sure what causes this taste. The best guess they have is that this is to do with the hormones which are produced during pregnancy.

This phenomenon is also known as ‘metal mouth’ and is one of the offbeat and unique symptoms of implantation and pregnancy.


Because of the substantial and rapid increase in the HCG hormone and also the rising levels of estrogen the woman’s stomach empties more slowly. This causes uneasiness and morning sickness and nausea.

Also, the woman becomes extra sensitive to smells during early pregnancy and overreacts to certain smells and odors.

Usually, these symptoms arrive only after a missed period but in a few cases they begin even sooner


Because of the rise in progesterone and estrogen levels, more pigmentation is observed in the breast area of the pregnant woman.

This is one of the sore shot signs of pregnancy as not much estrogen and progesterone is produced pre-period to darken the areola.

Also if the woman experiences hormonal imbalance then she will observe a fluctuation in the color of the areola. But this is not a sign of pregnancy and thus you should be able to distinguish between this reason and the implantation symptom of pregnancy.

But if you are observing extra dark nipples right before your periods then there are is a substantial chance that you have become pregnant. This is surely an implantation symptom.


If the cramps before your period start taking place a week prior to your period, which otherwise started only days before your periods then this can be a sign of pregnancy and implantation.

Implantation takes place when the fertilized egg also is known as the blastocyst implants itself into the lining of the female’s uterus. Thus the egg burrows its way into the thick lining which can cause mild discomfort and pain. Usually, this happens a week before you expect and experience your period. This is a distinguishing factor and points towards pregnancy and implantation.

Thus in case you are experiencing cramps weeks before your periods, there are good chances that implantation has occurred and you are pregnant.


During pregnancy and implantation, there are many changes which are weird and different which occur in a woman’s body. One of these is aversion and craving. Taste gets altered quite quickly during pregnancy.

Even prior to their regular period some females experience a shift and change in their taste buds.

Fruits and alcohol are some foods and drinks which have commonly altered taste during implantation and pregnancy. Because of the rise of estrogen levels in the body, a smoking habit can also change and there may also be a heightened sense of smell. These are some rapid changes which occur post implantation and are good indicators of your pregnancy.


Post-implantation and during the early period of pregnancy many hormone levels rise in the body. Also, there is a 50% increase in blood production which could cause a rush of blood to your head. This could cause headaches.

Also because of the sudden change in hormone levels some women can also experience migraine and severe head pain.

To counter these symptoms you should have a healthy amount of water and sleep often. Also, you should try to distress your life as much as possible.

It is advisable not to take any medicines or over the counter drug without consulting the doctor as these may affect the baby forming in the body.


Feeling fatigued and tiredness pre periods and feeling tired before and during early pregnancy are completely two different things.

After the implantation in early pregnancy, the woman feels completely exhausted and she can’t get up and function properly. This is because of the high progesterone levels which put them to sleep.

The high levels of progesterone accompanied by an increase in blood production and expenditure of calories sap your energy. It makes the pregnant woman feel tired, weak and sick.

If you are feeling very exhausted then you should slow down and take a lot of rest and be with your family, friends and loved ones. This is to counter the negative effects of pregnancy. Also, this will keep your mood upbeat and you will be able to encounter the side effects of early pregnancy post-implantation.


You may experience a drop in body temperature post-implantation. If you have regular mensuration cycles and observe your body temperature regularly then you will definitely notice a dip in the normal body temperature. This happens during the early pregnancy and the implantation phase.

A dip in BBT is certainly not a good indicator of implantation and pregnancy as a dip in body temperature can also be noticed in the middle of a woman’s mensuration cycle.

But the difference is that if you are pregnant then there will be a dip for one day and then there will be a sudden rise in the body temperature the next day.

This will not happen in your regular periods and thus you can distinguish between regular periods and pregnancy.

Also, it is important to note that only ¼ the pregnancy positive charts shows an implantation dip. So 3/4ths of women don’t see a dip and don’t feel any such symptoms.


The moment there is implantation and conception the body naturally starts producing more and more blood. As the amount of blood flow to your kidneys increases, this leads to extra fluid processing. This fluid which is filtered ends up in your bladder.

Thus if you are feeling a constant and a continues to urge for urination then there are good chances that you are pregnant.


Thus if you want to confirm your pregnancy then it is critical to take a pregnancy test and connect with a Doctor or a medical specialist. This is important because of many of the symptoms of pregnancy overlap with symptoms of the premenstrual cycle in normal women.

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