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Health benefits of broccoli

Of excellent health properties, broccoli is a crucifer that has been recognized by the scientific community for having preventive action on colon cancer. In addition to this, it also provides significant amounts of iron.

Broccoli has attracted attention, more than any other vegetable, in the scientific world. The consumption of broccoli acts in the prevention of diseases. Mainly colon cancer. In the field of nutrition, broccoli stands out in the prevention of anemia due to its high iron content. It also provides phytonutrients and several vitamins and minerals, including vitamins C and E, calcium and, as already mentioned, iron.

This is why it has been given the main property of being the “anticancer vegetable”.

Broccoli belongs to the cruciferous family, which also includes cabbage and cauliflower. It has a bitter taste, similar to the taste of mustard. With the accompaniment of a white sauce it softens its somewhat strong flavor, which is not to everyone’s taste.

An average serving of 90 g of broccoli provides 2 of the 15 mg of iron a day recommended for women. As for men, it provides 25% of the daily recommended amount. If two or three servings of broccoli are consumed weekly, iron levels increase.

When you buy, you have to choose the completely green and compact copies. It is stored in the refrigerator (without washing) between one and three days, it can be steamed, boiled or cooked in the microwave oven. And it can be consumed in various ways, such as soups, vegetable stews, tortillas, tarts and sauces, sautéed with garlic and olive oil. Also cold is consumed in many salads.


Broccoli healing properties

  • Traditional Chinese medicine recommends broccoli to treat inflammations of the eyes and myopia

  • They also claim that its bitter taste gives it diuretic properties


  • In the West it is claimed that it plays a very important role in the protection against cancers of the lung, stomach, mouth, ovary, breast, vagina, colon and prostate.


  • It is very rich in different potentially anticancer substances such as indoles, glucosinolates, beta carotene and vitamin C

  • The National Cancer Institute of the United States has ranked first in the list of vegetables with general anti-cancer properties, having been the subject of numerous investigations whose results so certify

  • As it is an excellent source of iron and beta carotene, broccoli prevents anemia, especially among people who do not consume meat, such as vegetarians

  • Many women have iron stores below the recommended level of 500 mg. A significant portion of Western women have no iron reserves, which can be the cause of complete anemia and the origin of severe fatigue, the inability to concentrate and disorders of the immune system.


  • Scientific research says that the body can absorb a third less iron from vegetables than red meat, because of substances (filatos) that block the absorption of iron. It has been discovered that beta carotene from iron-rich vegetables, such as broccoli, help overcome this blockage and make iron available.
    In addition, this wonderful vegetable helps reduce childhood infections, and its phytonutrients reduce the carcinogenic effects of tobacco smoke. By containing natural antioxidants that help against the potential damage that produces the tobacco in the cells of the whole organism that is appeared to cellular aging that free radicals produce when the concentration of these is greater than the availability of antioxidants in the cell membrane


  1. Elevee Elevee February 5, 2018

    This blog convinced me to eat broccoli 🙂

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