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Home remedies for premature ejaculation

 Premature ejaculation causes a lot of discomfort among the male population, since it not only reduces self-esteem, but also affects the couple’s relationships; but, that you can easily solve using home remedies.

Are you a victim of premature ejaculation? Is it possible to be free from premature ejaculation without medication? Here is the answer to those two questions. We will offer you some homemade remedies, highly recommended to cure your problem.

Whereas premature ejaculation can be due to overwork, organic problems such as diabetes, or a matter of nerves at the time of sexual intercourse. It is not difficult to get a cure to this problem through alternative non-pharmaceutical methods.

Many medicinal plants have the property of curing the conditions linked to erectile dysfunction, easily verifiable when we review the formulas of some patented medicines whose active components are those plants.
In this article I will explain why the 4 plants recommended below can offer you a cure for premature ejaculation.

1. Garlic

Garlic contains large reserves of protein, a high percentage of potassium, enzymes and vitamins A, B1, B2 and C. In addition to mineral salts and trace elements.
Among the many properties of garlic, are: act on cardiovascular activity and low blood pressure, so it stimulates the heart muscle by facilitating blood circulation. Properties that contribute to sexual activity in men, since they improve the blood supply to the penis during erection.

It is recommended if you want to control premature ejaculation, consume regularly along with food or take it for whole grains with water or some natural juice.

2. Ginger

Ginger is recognized for its medicinal properties, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, is a few remedies to cure natural premature ejaculation, with high percentage of vitamins, especially B6 and vitamin C and also high content of minerals, calcium, magnesium, potassium and zinc.

It promotes cardiovascular and circulatory health, facilitating blood flow and preventing hardening of the arteries. So it is frequently indicated to cure premature ejaculation.

In case of premature ejaculation, it is advisable to use it consistently for a month, either as an infusion or as a juice, which you can accompany with lemon or orange and honey.


3. Tree of Life

Also called “miraculous tree”, for all the healing properties attributed to it. It contains a unique composition, vitamin, minerals, and amino acids that make it highly nutritious.

Among its properties we have strengthens the heart, helps metabolism, regulates cholesterol, helps in weight loss, is tranquilizer and prevents cancer.

Several scientific studies support healing results with Moringa, as antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, anticancer, in circulatory problems and premature ejaculation. It has been used for hundreds of years to cure many of these diseases successfully.

You can use its leaves, flowers, fruits, seeds and even roots. The leaves can be used in salads or added at the end of the preparation of any meal.

To avoid premature ejaculation, it is recommended to add some flowers in a glass of milk to repair a pleasant infusion.

Another way, is using the bark of the Moringa to prepare the infusion with boiling water and sweetening with a little honey.

Avoid drugs to eliminate premature ejaculation

You will do this in order to avoid the secondary problems caused by these medications. These products tend to create dependence and, therefore, you will not be eliminating the problem, you will only be avoiding it, so taking pills or any other medication is not a true solution.

5. Clove

It is an extraordinary remedy, which has been used since ancient times by the oriental population (in China and India) to cure the affections of the circulatory system, imbalance of the nervous system and for muscle tension. Three aspects, directly linked to the problem of premature ejaculation in most men.

This remedy will avoid the uncomfortable pharmaceutical prescriptions for many gentlemen, who will find in the clove smell a magic outlet to their problem of premature ejaculation.

The clove, contains a component called eugenol, whose analgesic property by nature, desinflamatorio and antifungal, so it facilitates the cure of many conditions.

Among other assets they contain are Vitamin B1 and Vitamin K, Potassium, Omega 3 and fatty acids. What helps to solve circulatory problems, increasing blood flow throughout the body and, along with its relaxing power, causes great benefits at the time of ejaculation, because it gives greater sensitivity and strength to the penis improving its functions.

Likewise, their intake helps to calm nerves and maintain the necessary tranquility at the time of sexual intercourse. For what is recommended, take it in moderate amounts if you are going to drive or work with heavy machinery.


These remedies will help you to last longer in bed.


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