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Can you live by eating only vegetables?

Do you want your diet to be based exclusively on vegetables? Could this affect your health? Discover if you could live only by eating vegetables.

After the excesses so typical of the holidays are many people with the beginning of the year decide to lose those kilos more quickly and effectively following all types of diets.

However, in many cases the diets followed are not as good as they should be and are characterized by being unbalanced and not very nutritious despite losing weight in a very fast way. One of the most popular is to eat only vegetables and vegetables for a few days and thus eat very few calories.

How you will see right away is not about good ideas because it has more disadvantages than advantages.

It must be based on the fact that vegetables and vegetables are foods that can not be lacking in any type of diet

It must be based on the fact that vegetables and vegetables are foods that can not be lacking in any type of diet

Varied and balance diet

It must be based on the fact that vegetables and vegetables are foods that can not be lacking in any type of diet because they provide the body with a large number of nutrients that are essential to function day after day.

However, the feeding of a person can not be based solely on these foods since otherwise it is unbalanced and deficient in all aspects. If what you want is to lose weight in a healthy way what you should do is to follow a diet as balanced as possible and in which there is no lack of all kinds of nutrients such as vitamins or minerals.

In addition, this diet should be complemented at all times with physical exercise as usual. In this way you can lose weight in a healthy way and without putting your health at risk.

Experts agree that vegetables and fruit should be part of anyone’s main diet, as is the case with nuts, fish or legumes. It is clear that a person can choose to eat only vegetables and vegetables but in the medium and long term can have serious health problems due to the lack of essential nutrients that can provide other foods such as eggs or meat

The nutritionists admit the exclusive consumption of vegetables and vegetables in the case of wanting to make a depurative diet

The nutritionists admit the exclusive consumption of vegetables and vegetables in the case of wanting to make a depurative diet.

Debug the organism

Nutritionists admit the exclusive consumption of vegetables and greens in the case of wanting to carry out a cleansing diet and eliminate as many toxins from the body. This diet can not last more than two or three days because otherwise there could be malnutrition problems.

If you are thinking of going to a strict diet based on vegetables in order to eliminate those extra kilos as quickly as possible, you should leave this idea aside since the diet should be as varied and healthy as possible. If what you really want is to lose weight or lead a life as healthy as possible you should avoid the consumption or intake of food as harmful to health as is the case of saturated fats, fried or added sugars.

What is clear is that you can not live your whole life feeding exclusively on vegetables. It is overwhelming logic that the diet would be quite deficient and the body would not receive all the nutrients it needs to function well.

Although at first the body does not notice it, with the passage of time it begins to miss nutrients that vegetables or fruit do not possess, giving rise to health problems of all kinds.

These vegetables and vegetables can provide a good amount of fiber or vitamins but do not provide minerals such as iron or magnesium which are also important for a good functioning of the body.

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One Comment

  1. Preirna Prachi Preirna Prachi March 10, 2018


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