Home Women's corner Tips to sleep well during pregnancy

Tips to sleep well during pregnancy


Reconciling sleep is an essential part of life and health.

During the sleep phases, the brain synchronizes blood pressure, heart rate, body temperature, and muscle tone. Sleep helps reduce levels of adrenaline and cortisol (stress hormones) and also synchronizes with endocrine and neurochemical biorhythms for reproduction.

During pregnancy, and during menopause, it is when there are more likely to be problems or problems sleeping that prevent falling asleep and keep it throughout the night .

Sleep little when pregnant due to the happy nausea , the heartburn , urination or need to go to the toilet several times during the night, increased body temperature and blood pressure or of headaches.

Logically, when one does not feel well at all, he notices how his vital energy was under minimum, which worsens his mood and also the levels of anxiety and irritability, losing even sexual desire.

Guidelines for a better rest

Although doctors insist a lot that it is important to hydrate well taking plenty of fluids during pregnancy, you should try to drink more in the morning, and less during the late afternoon , so you do not have to get out of bed many times to go to the bathroom. During pregnancy the kidneys function more than normal to filter a larger volume of blood that flows through the body. As the baby grows and the uterus gets bigger, the pressure on the bladder also increases . This results in more visits to the bathroom.

If the tension is not very low (during pregnancy it is normal to go up) it is better to drink only water and avoid coffees, teas and chocolates , hot or cold. The alcohol is absolutely inadvisable because not only does it not benefit the baby but it will also prevent sleeping well .

How  to sleep well during pregnancy

  • Even when you are not pregnant you should avoid heavy and spicy foods before going to bed as they can cause heartburn . During pregnancy the functioning of the whole digestive system is slower, and the food tends to stay longer in the stomach which can cause besides acidity, constipation.

It is better to make light meals and try to dine early so you can digest before going to bed. There is always talk of morning sickness when you wake up, but it is also very common in working women, to endure throughout the day, and when you get home to relax and feel like vomiting. When that happens, it’s best to have some salty cookies at hand.


  • During pregnancy increases the heart rate to pump more blood. As more blood flows to the uterus , the heart has to work harder . It is possible to feel that a greater effort should be made to breathe especially when the uterus increases in size occupying more space and pushing the diaphragm. A 20-minute nap usually reduces the symptoms of fatigue during pregnancy. It is not advisable that these lengthen because they could alter the quality of sleep during the night.


  • Exercise is always good for both physical and mental health, and during pregnancy even more. The only precaution that should be taken is not to do it in the late afternoon, because you have to give the body the necessary time to relax (three to four hours before going to bed).


  • During pregnancy the body produces a hormone called relaxin that helps prepare the body for childbirth. One of the effects of this hormone is the lodging of the ligaments of the body, so it is normal to feel cramps in the legs and pain in the back. That is why it is important that the diet includes enough calcium which is a chemical element that reduces the appearance of cramps.


  • To alleviate the anxieties and worries that may arise during the night (many pregnant women claim to be worried about the baby’s health or nervous about childbirth) it is best to learn and practice relaxation and breathing techniques , and leave them at hand, in the bedside table, a notebook, to write down everything that worries us or the things we think we should do the next day, and we fear not remembering. That will help us to disconnect.


What to do to sleep well

  • Establish a schedule , to go to bed and get up always at the same time .
    Establish routines that help us relax before going to bed like listening to music, reading a book or taking a good bath.


  • To rest well you have to ventilate the bedrooms well , and ensure that the temperature is right, about 19-20 degrees (do not forget that during pregnancy it is normal for women to feel more heated).


  • As soon as the first signs of sleep appear, you have to close your eyes . If we try to stay awake, we run the risk of having to wait for the next sleep cycle an hour and a half later!


  • Get used to sleeping on the left side by placing a cushion under the abdomen or between the legs . This position helps the blood flow to the uterus, and helps the kidneys to eliminate waste and fluids. The use of a pillow can relieve pressure in the lower back. Sleeping on your side with your legs flexed is the most comfortable position as the pregnancy progresses. This position allows the weight of the baby does not fall on the inferior vena cava, which is the one that transports the blood back to the heart from the feet.

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  • Do not use the bed to work or watch television.


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