Welcome to health captor. Today we are looking into the top ten most common disorders. These mental health disorders we’re going to be talking about might not be all that visible at times, but they are just as serious as any physical illness. Now I try to take the top ten of these and put them in some sort of order and as much as I can.
Number One. Schizophrenia
It can be found in less than 1% of people, but one study found that perhaps seven to eight percent of people will experience it at some point in their lifetime. The word schizophrenia literally means to split the mind. Sufferers often hear and see things that aren’t really there as they lose touch with reality. Months before any visible signs appeared to anyone else, sufferers have odd feelings and thoughts that lead to criticizing voices in their head and delusions. In the beginning, a person with schizophrenia is able to separate these experiences from their real lives. But as time goes on, these inner thoughts begin to affect their actual lives.
Number Two. Tourette’s.
Tourette affects less than 1% of people and is a condition where people have uncontrollable tics. They will repeatedly show either motor tics or vocal tics. Sometimes both. Basically, involuntary physical movements such as blinking or sudden jerks of the body such as the shoulders or the arms. Vocal tics are when a person makes an uncontrollable noise and this can be a totally random noise like a humming or a no coughing noise or something or sometimes it can be a word or a phrase. A lot of symptoms are first noticed in childhood. A lot of people tend to have an easier time as they get older and are able to live normal lives.
Number Three. Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD )
You probably heard people casually say they have obsessive-compulsive disorder, but the estimated two percent of people who really do suffer from it would disagree.
Sufferers have obsessions and compulsions to do things over and over again that they believe will protect them from harm, perhaps in some way but realistically has no effect. These rituals can be anything from repeatedly checking the door is locked, to insisting that things are organized a very specific way or having to touch something over and over again. People with OCD sometimes strive for such perfection in the tasks they are doing that they end up taking hours and hours just do the simplest of things obviously everyone has worries in life and habits. But when they get in the way of your life and you feel that you don’t even have control over them, that’s when it becomes OCD.
Number Four. Bipolar disorder
Being bipolar means a person experiences huge swings in mood, motivation, and energy. When they’re up there feeling great, the thing energized and they can be very social and talkative but when they are down, sufferers struggle from a feeling of hopelessness and often lose control of their eating and sleeping habits. It affects an estimated 1 to 3% of all adults. On the average, the age of a sufferer is about 25 years old. Some people are treated with medicine that tries to stabilize their mood while others take part in talk therapy. This focuses on dealing with the thoughts that accompany the highs and lows in the hope that understanding them might help people to control them.
10 most common disorders
Number Five. Psychosis
This is a disorder that affects roughly 3% of people and tends to occur mainly in adolescence. Psychosis is essentially a loss of touch with reality. It happens in episodes that can last a few days or maybe even weeks during which the sufferer is often confused, hallucinating and extremely paranoid. The sufferers often sense things that aren’t really there such as hearing disembodied voices that leave them, not trusting family, their friends or even the doctors who are trying to help them move on.
Number Six. Eating disorders
The eating disorder is an eating habit that has a negative impact on the body and it affects about 3% of the people. The most common types are anorexia which is an obsession with losing weight by refusing to eat and bulimia which involves overeating, followed by self-induced vomiting. This sort of binge eating and purging means that eating disorders are one of the deadliest of all with mortality rates being about 12 times higher for those with it than without. The vast majority of eating disorders are found in women particularly in adolescence. A lot of it is blamed on the media and society’s portrayal of an unrealistic body image for women as people strive to be like the models on those magazines came.
Number Seven. General anxiety disorder
This is the most common anxiety disorder. An effect estimated three to five percent of people sufferers have an almost constant but unrealistic worry about everyday events. These worries can be about anything really, about money, their health, their family’s health, maybe the future just in general, school and work and it can end up stopping the person from functioning on some days. General anxiety disorder actually affects twice as many women as it does men and scientists think it is down to stressful life experiences, brain chemistry and it can be handed down genetically from parent to child.
Number Eight. Depression.
Depression is probably one of the better-known disorders out there. But it’s much more than just that feeling of being a bit sad one day. Three to five percent of people suffer from depression and it’s symptoms of hopelessness on motivation and just a general lack of interest in life. They can affect a person’s ability to function on a daily basis and they may struggle to work, sleep or even eat. Sometimes persistent thoughts of death or suicide can lead to suicide especially in young people where it’s the second leading cause of death in 15 to 29-year-olds. There are effective treatments out there that help millions of people fight depression and thankfully a lot is being done to raise awareness that depression is not just a bad day, it’s a very real serious but also treatable disorder.
Number Nine. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
PTSD is thought to affect up to 8% of the population, As a name would suggest, it’s a disorder that comes after a person has experienced some sort of traumatic event in their life whether it’s caused by a life-threatening moment early in life, abuse or often war. PTSD symptoms include nightmares, anger and flashbacks about that event and also an emotional detachment from people and life in general as a way to protect themselves from the traumatic memories.
Number Ten. Attention deficit disorder.
ADHD stands for attention deficit disorder and affects mainly children with some 11% showing symptoms between the ages of 4 to 17. ADHD sufferers find it difficult to concentrate, pay attention and comply with authority. Those with ADHD show signs of hyperactivity and can be very impulsive. It’s actually three times more likely to occur in boys than girls.
The good news is that certain medical and therapy treatments have proven to be very effective in treating ADHD and a majority of children do grow out of it. Eventually despite this, though scientists are yet to fully understand all the causes of it.
So, my reader, that is the top 10 most common disorders. if you have benefited from anything this article, don’t forget to hit the share button, and also drop your comment.
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so help full artice
Very useful info
Or when kinds misuse the power odf these disorders…
This is one of the most helpful articles, I have read.I basically screengrabbed d whole post.
Nice blog and great information.